true last communication Phone Reviews Dismal flagship sales report reveals there isn't much money in Android

Dismal flagship sales report reveals there isn't much money in Android

(Posts: 3300; Member since: 25 Sep 2013)

At least Android doesnt have a back door to the NSA.

Also let me ask you this, if your devic eis conencted to the internet; how much privacy do you have? NONE!!!

You’re a fool. As long as you use someone elses device, nothing is private.

In order to live in this world, you give up a significat amount of provacy. Just to have a credit card, you give up the privacy to how you pay your bills.

To have a bank account, you give up your privacy on how you spend your money? To buy a home you give up the privacy of people knowing where you live and when you go in an out.

When you swipe your card at a retailer, you give up the privacy on what you bought and how much it costs.

When you make a phone call or send a text, you give up your privacy about who yu are talkign too, where you and them live or locations you frequent and what you are actually taking about.

When you join the digital world or automation, you have no privacy.

See, I just showed you through simple terms and without calling you a name, how stupid you are.

At least on Android,, when I install an app; I know exactly what it will do; what it access and how. With Apple you have no idea. You trust Apple? Good. I trust no corportaion because NONE of them have your best interest in mind. What they ahve is how much money they can make, especially if you are stupid.

See Google makes less money because, we are all much smarter.

The vast majority of us know, I dont have to buy a $800 phoen to enjoy the same benefits. Sure I may suffer some quality in build…mostly looks because I can drop a plastic phone 100’s of time and it will never break while an iphone gets damaged on a single drop.

For $400 I can buy a phone, or tablet or PC that will do everything any Apple offers will do. Not everyone has to have what is considered the top product.

Also, products that sell at high costs where there is limited competition, will always make more money due to far less overhead.

For $780 for my SG Edge Plus vs the $799 iPhone 6 Plus I get so much more. I get the top of everything in its class, not just looks. With iPhone you get good looks and association with a bunch of senseless morons.

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