true last communication Phone Reviews It's mere hours before new iPhones come, so let's re-watch Steve Jobs changing the game with the first iPhone

It's mere hours before new iPhones come, so let's re-watch Steve Jobs changing the game with the first iPhone

Yes, it was a flawed first-generation product that lacked basics such as native apps and 3G for a time, but Apple quickly came back to its senses. After all, it’s only normal to lose grip here and there when you’ve spent the last 30 months and an estimated $150 million developing a device so innovative.

Besides His Steveness delivering one of the best keynotes in his life, other highlights from the historical footage include an appearance from none other than Google’s Eric Schmidt, a phone conversation with Jony Ive and Phil Schiller participating, and the audience’s minds being blown from every slide, of course! Enjoy the footage, and enjoy what’s about to happen in San Francisco at 10AM Pacific!

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