true last communication Phone Reviews Thanks to the Taiwan Animators team, we can see Steve Jobs' reaction to yesterday's Apple event

Thanks to the Taiwan Animators team, we can see Steve Jobs' reaction to yesterday's Apple event

When the Apple Pencil was unveiled on Wednesday, you could read the minds of the long time Apple faithful. Steve Jobs must be spinning in his grave, they were thinking. The late Apple co-founder famously rejected the idea of using a stylus when he introduced the OG Apple iPhone on January 9th, 2007.

A group called Taiwanese Animators decided to produce a video depicting what Steve Jobs would have done had he been alive to witness Wednesday’s event. First, Jobs escapes his final resting place by spinning in his grave. He attacks current Apple CEO Tim Cook with a giant Apple Pencil. The Apple Watch, Apple iPhone 6s and Apple iPhone 6s Plus are also targets of some, uh, interesting sight gags.

Even Apple fans will chuckle (if not  produce a full fledged guffaw) by watching this strange video. We do need to point out that even though it is cartoonish, this is not for the kids.

source: TaiwaneseAnimators via BGR

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