true last communication Phone Reviews Tim Cook talks removing stock apps, Siri privacy and more

Tim Cook talks removing stock apps, Siri privacy and more

(Posts: 263; Member since: 21 Apr 2015)

If it’s not an iPhone:

you got a 2K or 4K screen (720p vs 1556 or 2160)
you probably have stereo speakers which are just delightful
you got Android.
(what phone isn’t expensive now?)
you start storage at 32/64, storage increase doesn’t cost $100+
you get 3/4GB of RAM, some with the best possible type.

If it’s not an iPhone, good job.

Also, the SoC in iPhones are only good in iPhones because of iOS. Put them in an Android and it would be pretty slow. Exynos and SD compare or even faster, but Android is more demanding on the chips.

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