true last communication Phone Reviews The iPhone 6s and 6s Plus have a gyro bug in AR apps, devs scrambling for a fix

The iPhone 6s and 6s Plus have a gyro bug in AR apps, devs scrambling for a fix

(Posts: 1699; Member since: 30 Apr 2012)

First the camera overheating problem, and now this crap? I’m not even going to bash Apple…way too easy. But I’ll bash the idiots that stood in line for this garbage and didn’t wait to see if there were any issues with the product. Blind, trusting fools. Software is one thing, hardware is another. Anybody who immediately buys a tech device without waiting for reviews is a moron, and anyone who actually waits in line for hours (days?) for an untested, unproven, new device is exponentially so. Particularly Apple fans, who seem to care more about image, status, hype, and popularity than considering buying a smarthphone that actually just works without glitches or bugs or hardware failures.

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