true last communication Phone Reviews LG V10: New features and key takeaways

LG V10: New features and key takeaways

Alike to the Samsung Galaxy Note Edge in a way, the LG V10 also come with a secondary, auxiliary display. Unlike the Note Edge, it’s completely separate from the main panel. It’s a 2.1-inch IPS unit with a resolution of 160 x 1040, or 513 pixels per inch.

Naturally, you’re wondering what it’s for and how it works. In short, the screen is active when the main one is sleeping, giving you at-a-glance info such as the time. When the main screen is working, it can be used to store app shortcuts, though we’re not entirely sold on the practicality of that one — after all, it’s located on the very top of a 6.3 inch-high device. Hardly easy to reach, right?

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