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Money made at home and why people fail.

People failing online because of 4 simple reasons

People fail horribly online because of this.

There are 4 simple reasons people fail online. Start-up capital, Mind-set, Information overload and Lack of research. But there are free methods to overcome them. Over 95% of people fail to reach success online. Because it is a lot more work than many people anticipate. Start-up capital in my opinion is the biggest reason why people fail online. People fail because to start a blog professionally can set one back as much as $250 – $300 per year.

When many people are searching for opportunities because they do not have money in the first place. But this post contain free methods to raise the money needed. And overcome the obstacles why people fail online. The suggested steps to follow and simple tasks to complete because it takes time to build a Castle.

And that is the beauty of online marketing. The art of identifying a need and then research a solution to offer value to the reader. People also fail because of constant sales pitching and spamming. But that’s all part of the wrong mind-set. Many people fail as a result of desperation when reality sets in. 

3 Ways to raise the start-up capital needed.

There are several ways to generate a little money online. Because as mentioned earlier. Start-up capital is where many people get stuck and fail online. Therefore allow me to introduce a few mobile apps to solve the problem. Scratch DayScratch RoyaleLucky Day. These 3 apps can help people generate the money needed for hosting and plugin costs. Through earning money and bonus points with free scratch cards. People also fail because it will take a few weeks to generate $250. It will not happen overnight because this is a method. Not a magic wand. Affiliate marketing is a long term solution to financial needs contrary to popular believe.

Simply go to the Google app store and enter the keywords. Just install the apps and easily access by logging in with Facebook. Then just start scratching cards, watch short ads and earning rewards. Which is paid to people through PayPal once the balance reaches $10.

And to put things in perspective. As I’m personally testing the method. Within the first ten days a combined $20 was generated with these 3 apps. But there are also scratch cards to win $100, $250, $500, $1000, $5000 and $10000. The $20 was raised through converting bonus points and earning a few cents at a time. 

People fail due to lack of research.

Making money online with affiliate marketing is all about turning knowledge into a digital product. Which varies from membership sites to eBooks and articles. The options are endless and knowledge is the only “secret weapon”. Knowledge is how people that used to fail end up reaching success. Identify a need within a certain niche. And a perfect example is “making money online”. What is the one thing every online marketer need regardless of niche?

Traffic. The one thing every business needs be it online or otherwise. Therefore research into traffic methods and coming up with solutions is a great way to create curiosity. But different niches have different common needs.

Always decide what you’re looking for. And use that as a search phrase in any browser. It’s like a shortcut to unlimited knowledge. Just waiting to be discovered. Everything you need is right in front of you. But to be super successful online will require many years of research

Wrong mind-set and why people fail.

People fail because of inflated expectation. That magic button that will turn any PC into an ATM. Not going to happen. Expecting miracles and instant riches is the perfect way to fail online. And many people are falling victim to this over exploited marketing tactic. The impressive screenshots often accompanied by the illusion of constant holidays. And people will continue to fail for as long as they chase the magic button.

Set realistic goals aimed at a specific task. And generating sales the next day is not a realistic expectation or goal. Because a perfect example is the time needed to raise the start-up capital for a blog. Once reached the next step is starting a blog. Which requires a lot of research, writing and strategic keyword placement.

With the wrong mind-set people actually fail because of misdirection. And what is often not revealed. That the impressive screenshots are the results of years of hard work. All too often portrayed as being easy to accomplish. And when reality sets in people will fail as a result of desperation and giving up. 

Another reason for failure – information overload.

Many people fail getting lost in an Ocean of information overload. All the different ways to get visitors and the brick wall of not getting any. Therefore it is important to keep track of online activity. Create folders and sub folders for documents and downloads. And do the same for Google Chrome and Firefox bookmarks. Categorise everything because in a few months one tend to lose track of what you did back then.

Trying to multi-task in an attempt to make money faster will end in disaster. People fail and many newbies are going nowhere fast. When direction is so much more important than speed. Focus on one system or method to test at a time. And gather as much knowledge as possible. To help other people overcome failure. Even if it means taking months to master a single step toward success.

These same folders and sub folders through research is the knowledge. The knowledge needed to create digital products. The knowledge needed to create unique and compelling content. Content that will generate sales through creating curiosity.

Proven path to online success.

Use the 3 apps to generate the money needed to get started. Then start a professional blog with pro hosting. Because basic hosting may not compete at a professional level. Research the knowledge needed to create compelling posts and pages on a blog. Offer solutions and research products to promote based on an identified need. Learn from other professional and complete a single task. Or test a single system at a time. Do not multi-task in an attempt to make money faster. Focus on that single first task. In this case, to raise money for hosting and getting started. 

Deon Christie 

Money Made at Home

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