true last communication Phone Reviews Moto 360 biggest benefit: better screen-to-body ratio than all the rest

Moto 360 biggest benefit: better screen-to-body ratio than all the rest

(Posts: 525; Member since: 20 Jun 2012)

I don’t understand why we discuss about bezels on a watch? Bezels have been a traditional element of watchmaking and it complements the design of many analog watches. And in smartwatches it is a necessary element to hide the screen drivers (and keep a full circle shape for round smartwatches). It’s still a smartwatch we’re talking about, no need to get obsessive about the biggest possible screen size in comparison to overall size, because no matter how big the screen can go on a wrist, it will never be big enough for proper multimedia consumption or browsing.
So, forget about screen-to-body ratio on a watch and make it nicely round with no flat tires. Very cheesy of Motorola to advertise this as an advantage.

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